“THE NEW” Genesis Baptist Church was established on January 7, 2012. The first church service was held at the Fleet Reserve Center on January 8, 2012. In place were a choir, two ministers, deacons, deaconess, trustees, ushers, a church secretary and church clerk. Our belief, dedication and love for New Genesis Baptist Church and each other became apparent by our ability to stick together as we transitioned from the Fleet Reserve Center to Kempsville Lake Clubhouse and to Indian Lakes Community Center.
We continued to allow God to use us to reach out to the community by assisting the Samaritan House and Union Mission, blessing the homeless, battered women and children with our blanket, coat, and shoe drive. We have provided baskets for families in need during Thanksgiving and Christmas season. We continue to provide scholarships to our graduating seniors and returning college students, and school supplies for school-aged students. We continue to provide aid and assistance to a myriad of agencies and services through our Youth, Missionary’s, Women’s, Men’s and various other Ministries.
On November 16, 2013, we traveled to Grove Baptist Church in Portsmouth, Virginia where we witnessed Dr. Melvin O. Marriner installed the man that God sent to pastor New Genesis Baptist Church, Rev. Melvin Cotton, Jr.
During the first four years of Pastor Cotton’s leadership, he ushered in “The Year of Expectancy!” The church received the nickname “THE NEW,” with the launching of our first website. There was an increase in membership, with 20 new members, the first baptism service for 6 members, the first Men’s Day, and the first Pastor’s Anniversary and first Youth Day celebration were held. In addition, our New Genesis Baptist Church Logo Brand was created along with new programs and initiatives, such as the Twelve Tribes of Israel fundraiser, and the generation of “The New” Blessed Soul Food Cookbook.
We transitioned from Indian Lakes Community Center to our current worship facility, at 3229 MacDonald Road. In 2018, Pastor Cotton ushered in “Standing on God’s Promise, Laboring for the Lord.” We hosted our first Community Outreach Block-Party. A noon-day Bible Study Class was added. The church partnered with Judeo Christian Outreach Center to feed 140 homeless men and women, purchased drum set and a storage shed, started our Children’s Church, licensed 3 ministers to preach the gospel. Also, we received our 501C3 Non-Profit status and held our first Pastor’s Anniversary Luncheon. Additionally, we baptized nine candidates and added six new members.
Since 2018, New Genesis Baptist Church endured the “Pandemic” and faithful members continued to dedicate their services in doing God’s work.
Joys, failures and successes are to be shared by all of our church family. We will surround each other and new members with the love of “Christ. Our continued growth will be solidified by our continued walk in faith and by being firmly rooted in Jesus Christ our Lord.